Advanced Catalytic Filtration Media for Iron, Manganese and Hydrogen Sulfide Removal

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Media Description

High content (10%) gamma Manganese dioxide (MnO2) coated ZEOSORB


Katalox-Light® Removal methods:

1. Mechanical Filtration (fine particles, TSS, Turbidity etc.)
2. Catalytic precipitation and sorption (Fe, Mn, Cu, Pb etc.)
3. Adsorbtion (flocculant formation and adsorption of As, Heavy Metals, Radionuclides)


Filtration (≤ 3 µm) of:

♦ Total Suspended Solids
♦ Sediments
♦ Turbidity
♦ Organics
♦ Colour (some, organic)
♦ Odour

Removal of:

♦ Iron (Inlet conc. up to. 100 mg/L)
♦ Manganese (Inlet conc. up to 20 mg/L)
♦ Arsenic
♦ Hydrogen Sulfide
♦ Uranium, Radium
♦ Heavy Metals
♦ Radionuclide

Best features:

♦ WQA Certified to meet ANSI/NSF 61 standard for Drinking Water applications
♦ Very high surface area
♦ High MnO2 coating (10%)
♦ Contains NO crystalline Silica
♦ No mandatory dosing required
♦ Light weight media - saves backwash water
♦ Replacement frequency every 7-10 years



Breakthrough in Iron

Removal Technology!

Real installations from different part of the world have been reported to remove unchallenged amounts of iron. In a few extreme cases multi-stage Katalox-Light filtration systems have been used without the use of any chemicals to remove iron with inlet concentration of as high as 60 - 100 mg/L (ppm).

These astounding findings are being further investigated to find the correlation between removal limit and underlying ORP, pH and other possible governing characteristics.

Submit your test data to help us to model a better and accurate System Calculator for Katalox-Light media.


Advanced Features

of Katalox-Light | Advanced Applications



Reducing radionuclide waste in fracking wastewater

Industrial Wastewater:

Reducing radionuclide waste in fracking wastewater

Cooling tower re-circulation

Dramatically reducing the blow-down water and using part of it in re-circulation process


Reverse Osmosis Pre-treatment

Increasing the membrane life-span 3-4 times more

Removal of Arsenic

by the method of

Radionuclide removal






Recommendation on Katalox Light System Calculation

Please enter Following Values :

Flowrate :
Iron(Fe) : mg/l (ppm) (Recommended inlet pH 7.5)
Manganese(Mn) : mg/l (ppm) (Recommended inlet pH 8.5)

Note: This is a standard calculation based on raw water pH 7.5 for iron removal and 8.5 for manganese removal.
If the raw water pH is not as mentioned above, then we highly recommend to increase the pH using Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH).

Watch Water's Recommendation

Katalox Light Media Require 0 Liters
Katalox Light Media Require 0 Bag(ft3)
Freeboard 0 %
Required Vessel Volume 0 Liters
Filtration Rate 0 BV/h
EBCT(Contact Time) 0 Seconds

*This calculator has been designed based on real time data obtained from system installation worldwide.
*The contamination concentration and the filtration rate is best-fit approximation and is subject to be updated.
*This calculation is only a recommendation for system design. Please do not forget to read and follow the instruction given in our Katalox Light product literature.




Why Katalox-Light is

"The Best" compared to other products in the market?

Much higher gamma Manganese coating (10%) for better filtration, more service life, while keeping the bulk density close to the density of water 1000 kg/m³ (Katalox-Light Bulk Density: 1060 kg/m³) .

Katalox Light Greensand Plus Filter-OX
Certification WQA Tested and Certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61 and 372 Lead Free WQA Tested and Certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61 WQA Tested and Certified to NSF/ANSI/CAN Standard 61
Turbidity Excellent No No
Suspended Solids Excellent No No
Iron Up to 100 mg/l 15 mg/l No Data
Manganese Up to 20 mg/l No Data No Data
Arsenic Depends on Iron Content Fe:As≥ 20:1 Depends on Iron Content Fe:As≥ 20:1 No Data
Active Ingredient (MSDS) Gamma Manganese Dioxide (MnO2) ≥ 10%
Zeosorb = 85%
No Silica (SiO2)
Manganese Dioxide (MnO2) = 3.2–4.8%
Quartz (SiO2) = 90.4–93.6%
Manganese Dioxide (MnO2) = 10-20%
Quartz (SiO2) = 55–85%
Surface Area 320 m2/gram No Data No Data
Effective Particle Size Uniform Size
(0.6–1.4 mm)
(0.25–1.0 mm) (0.354–1.0 mm)
Product Weight Light
(1060 grams/liter)
(1,425 grams/liter)
(1,345 grams/liter)
Shipping Weight 66 lbs./ft3
30 kg/ft3
89 lbs./ft3
40 kg/ft3
84 lbs./ft3
38 kg/ft3
Packaging 1 ft3(28 .3 liters) /bag
40 bags (1,132liters)/pallet
0.5 ft3(14 .1 liters) /bag
55 bags (779 liters)/pallet
0.5 ft3(14 .1 liters) /bag
48 bags (679 liters)/pallet
Service Flow Rate 4–12 gpm/ft2
(10–30 m/h)
5–12 gpm/ft2
(12.5–30 m/h)
2–12 gpm/ft2
(5–30 m/h)
Backwash Flow Rate 10–12 gpm/ft2 @ 55 °F
(25–30 m/h)
12 gpm/ft2 @ 55 °F
(30 m/h)
12 gpm/ft2 @ 55 °F
(30 m/h)
Initial Start Up Backwash approximately 20 minutes or until backwash water is clear as Katalox-Light is Absolute Dust-Free Requires minimum 4 hours Cl2 regeneration Cl2 sterilization recommended but not required
Regeneration Chemical No chemicals required Intermittent or continuous feed using Cl2or O2 Intermittent or continuous feed using Cl2or O2
Clean Filter Pressure drop @ 5 gpm/ft2 / (12.5 m/h) 0.8 psi per foot of bed depth 0.8 psi per foot of bed depth 0.8 psi per foot of bed depth
Commercial System Larger than 36” Tanks Same as Above
No Air/Water Scour Backwash
Air/Water Scour Backwash Air/Water Scour Backwash
Installation Allowed in California Yes No No
Made in: Germany Brazil Ukraine

Advantages Of Katalox-Light®

Katalox-Light® is produced in Germany from ZEOSORB® as a raw material. Katalox-Light® the lightest, to Greensand and Filter-OX, the heaviest. The Katalox-Light® media is the only catalytic media with the highest surface area which removes turbidity, suspended solids up to less than (< 3 microns).

The major advantage of Katalox-Light® is the slower head loss which leads to longer operation time. Katalox-Light® presents a rough and high surface characterized by a high number of pores and crevices. Accordingly, the structural and the texture is considerably different from Greensand Plus and Filter-OX. As a result, this allows slower head loss development, but at the same time causes higher pH and higher removal of iron and manganese without using any chemicals. Application of Katalox-Light® media can produce high-quality water without iron, manganese, and turbidity. Additionally, backwashing water demand is 60% less than Greensand Plus and Filter-OX.




Application and Location







Technical Data

Compounds Typical value Specifications
ZEOSORB 85% >85%
MnO2 10% >9.5%
Hydrated Lime* 5% <5%

*Hydrated lime is used as the binding material.
Recommended Operating Conditions:

Inlet water pH 5.8 - 10.5
Freeboard 40%
Min. Bed Depth US 29.5 inches
SI 75 cm
Optimal Bed. Depth US 47 inches
SI 120 cm
Service flow US 4 - 12 gpm/ ft²
SI 10 - 30 m/h
Backwash velocity US 10 - 12 gpm/ ft²
SI 25 - 30 m/h
Backwash time 10 - 15 minutes
Rinse time 2 - 3 minutes

Physical properties:

Appearance Granular black beads
Odor none
Mesh size US 14 x 30
SI 0.6 - 1.4 mm
Uniformity Coefficient ≤ 1.75
Bulk Density US 66 lb/ft³
SI 1060 kg/m³
Moister Content <0.5% as shipped
Filtration <3 micron 3000mg/l
Removal Capacity

for Fe2+ alone

3000 mg/l
85000 mg/ft³(approx)

for Mn2+ alone

1500 mg/l
42500 mg/ft³(aprx)
for H2S alone 500 mg/l
14000 mg/ft³(aprx)


Katalox-Light Packaging Data



Packaging 28.3 Liter (1 ft³) Bag 30 kg (66 lb)
On a pallet 40 Bags 1200 kg
In Container 16 Pallets (640 bags)
Pallet dim: 115 cm x 115 cm x 120 cm


Applications of Katalox Light

"The Best" compared to other products in the market?

Much higher gamma Manganese coating (10%) for better filtration, more service life, while keeping the bulk density close to the density of water 1000 kg/m³ (Katalox-Light Bulk Density: 1060 kg/m³) .

Heavier the media requires higher backwash rates and extra pumps (Energy) to backwash. Velocity of 60 - 98 m/h (25 – 40 gpm/ft²) Backwash and rinse rate is normal for Heavier medias.