Hydrogen sulfide removal from water



Drinking water with the smell like "spoiled egg" contains hydrogen sulfide(H2S). It is a colorless gas that breaks down promptly in water with the trademark foul smell of spoiled eggs. this gas stays caught inside the water. At the point when the water is pumped to the surface, the hydrogen sulfide gas escapes and is along these lines easy to smell.

Drinking water with abnormal amounts of hydrogen sulfide can cause nausea and stomach torment. In any case, it is exceptionally far-fetched that a man could consume a destructive dosage of hydrogen sulfide from drinking water since water winds up noticeably unpalatable because of its upsetting taste and odor long before hydrogen sulfide achieves a harmful level. In well water, it is normally only a nuisance. Large amounts of sulfate (over 250 ppm) may have a strongly laxative effect, cause drying out, dehydration and be particularly detrimental to the health of newborn children and youthful creatures. Sulfate levels more than 250 parts per million require treatment of drinking water before utilize.

Although high concentration conventions do influence the taste of water. A concentration as low as 0.1 mg hydrogen sulfide for every liter of water (mg/l) is noticeable by smell. Most people, unaccustomed to sulfur water, find it highly unpleasant. Hydrogen sulfide can occur in deep or shallow wells and furthermore can enter surface water through springs. Shallow, inadequately built wells or those found near sewer lines or septic systems and surface water can become polluted with sewage and create issues with hydrogen sulfide.



It is extremely hard to test for hydrogen sulfide in a laboratory. In the ground water hydrogen sulfide escapes very quickly and might be gone when the water reaches the laboratory. The spoiled egg resemble hydrogen sulfide is unmistakable, however test packs are accessible for on location hydrogen sulfide estimation.